The Corporate Connection ProgramÂ
This program provides an opportunity for companies to encourage healthy living and physical activity in its employees. Through the program, companies offer their employees incentive to participate in one or more Fort4Fitness events by covering the cost (or a portion of the cost) of employee registrations.

Fort4Fitness Corporate Connections Receive:
- Unique coupon code to be used when registering participants
- Materials to assist with internal marketing and employee registration
- Company name/website link listed on the Corporate Connection section of the Fort4Fitness website, as well as other promotional materials
A company can designate who they will allow to use their code: employees only, employees and spouses, friends of employees, etc. F4F sends periodic reports so companies can track code usage.
After the event, F4F will invoice the company. If a company registers at least 20 employees with their code, they'll receive discount pricing!
That is the company's choice! Some offer their discount code only to employees, and others allow family to use it as well.
That's okay! In that case, F4F would invoice your company based on the regular pricing schedule.