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Our Staff

Satin Lemon

Satin Lemon

Executive Director

Satin Lemon joined Fort4Fitness as the organization’s Executive Director in 2018. She oversees the administration, sponsorships and event planning. Satin is passionate about F4F's mission and its impact on our region’s health and well-being. She is involved with Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana, Huntington Veteran's Day 5K and Special Olymics of Huntington County. Satin and her husband, Ryan, were named the 2015 Couple of the Year for BBBS of Northeast Indiana. She was the recipient of the 2016 United Way Bob Smith Campaign Award and the 2017 Business Weekly Forty Under Forty Award. Satin resides in Huntington with her husband, Ryan, and their two children.

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Sami Blair

Community Relations / Marketing Coordinator

Sami Blair joined Fort4Fitness in 2018 as the Community Relations/Marketing Coordinator. Along with marketing projects, Sami maintains Charity Partner and Corporate Connection programs, organizes the Fall Festival Expo, and manages event registration. Sami graduated from IPFW in 2014 with a bachelor's degree in Media and Public Communication and a minor in Spanish. Sami is enthusiastic about playing an active role in impacting the community through Fort4Fitness. Originally from LaGrange County, Sami now lives in Fort Wayne with her husband and their two children.

Zac Compton

Zac Compton

Race Director

Zac Compton began his tenure with Fort4Fitness as an intern in the spring of 2015, and eventually came on staff as the Race Director. He manages the events’ courses and operations of the events. Zac graduated from Ball State University in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Sports Administration and a minor in Marketing. He has organized and promoted several local events and has an enjoyment for event planning. Zac is a native of Angola, Indiana and currently resides in Ohio with his wife and children.

Amanda Burge

Amanda Burge

Volunteer Coordinator

A Fort Wayne native, Amanda Burge joined Fort4Fitness as the Volunteer Coordinator in 2024 but has been volunteering with Fort4Fitness since 2018. Amanda has been passionate about sports, fitness and nutrition her entire life. Growing up a soccer player and adventure lover, Amanda now enjoys combining her desire to see others achieve their personal fitness goals with her own desire to help impact the community of Fort Wayne. Graduating from IPFW with a Masters in Business Administration, genuinely enjoying working with people, and having previously owned a CrossFit gym makes Volunteer Coordination a natural fit. After 4+ years living in Mexico, Amanda and her husband, Shane, now live in Fort Wayne with their two teenage sons.